DuoFertility Monitor
A new computerized fertility monitor, the DuoFertility, has just come on the market. It accurately monitors your BBT (basal body temperature) and helps you to accurately pinpoint your ovulation. It can still help you even if you suffer with erratic cycles or have PCOS.
The British company that markets the DuoFertility fertility monitor has had impressive results and they feel that it is as effective for many couples as IVF! It is a totally non-invasive device and works even if you are having fertility treatment. It can only aid your quest to have a baby.
Even though the device is pricier than regular ovulation testers, at around $700, it is a lot cheaper than IVF! The company also provides an online advice line and back up service for a year. They have fertility experts who will help and advise you and they even offer a money back guarantee (in most cases) if you don't get pregnant within 12 months of using the device! This device has been approved by most European countries but is still waiting FDA approval in the United States.
How It Works
The device is a combination of a sensor that you wear on your body, and a reader that you can plug into your computer to download the data. You wear the sensor patch under your arm, or just below your bra line, depending on which you find most comfortable. The sensor then monitors your body temperature and takes up to 20,000 readings a day! All you need to do to download the data into the reader is to hold it next to the sensor, and within a few seconds, it will tell you all you need to know. With its easy to read display, you can easily see if you are approaching your fertile time up to a week ahead!
You can also input other information like illness, the condition of your cervical mucus and so on. If you want to be able to look at the information in detail, just download the data into your computer. You can even print out the data so you can give it to your family doctor, or fertility specialist.
Even if you suffer from PCOS, the monitor can still help you pinpoint your fertile time. Because it constantly monitors your body temperature fluctuations, it is able to pick up the minute temperature variations that indicate you are ovulating or you are about to ovulate. This is much more useful than having to take lots of urine tests to try to pinpoint your LH levels. When you have PCOS, urine tests aren't always accurate, so you could use them almost every day to check your LH levels and still miss your fertile time.
Irregular Cycles
When you have irregular cycles, using the DuoFertility monitor will also help you to find your fertile days, especially if you enter your body's other clues, like ovulation or breast pain. Although you can monitor your cycle yourself and check your Basal Body Temperature (BBT) with a fertility thermometer, you will only check your temperature once a day, not the thousands of times a day that this device does!
Success Stories
This British company, Cambridge Temperature Concepts, has many success stories of couples getting pregnant within a few months of using the device. Even older couples, in their late 30's or early 40's who were looking into having IVF treatment, managed to get pregnant using this monitor because it helped them to pick the best time to conceive!
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