
Various conditions can affect your fertility. Pregnancy and Your Age will familiarize you with some of the issues facing older women who are trying to conceive. A particular factor that can affect women over 35 is their egg quality while all women dealing with amenorrhea will likely have troubles getting pregnant. Other ovulation issues that seriously impact your fertility include: anovulation, oligomenorrhea and hirsutism. Moreover, uterine problems can also make it difficult to sustain a pregnancy.

When you are having troubles trying to conceive, you should always make an appointment with a fertility doctor. Our guide on finding a fertility specialist is a crucial first step in your journey towards pregnancy. Questions for Your First Appointment has some helpful suggestions of questions you should always ask when you first meet with an infertility specialist. During that first appointment, your specialist will likely ask you whether you have ever had any STDs. STDs and Infertility will help you understand just what kind of impact these infections can have on your fertility. Your specialist will also want to know whether you have ever had pelvic inflammatory disease and will likely check for any hormonal abnormalities, like excess prolactin.

Plus size women can have difficulties conceiving. Many people assume that being overwiehgt is the sole factor contributing to their fertility difficulties. In some cases, yes, but there are a number of other issues that may prevent plus size women from getting pregnant. Read all about it in Plus Size Fertility. And learn about the special health risks obesity poses to female fertility in our Obesity and Infertility.

Many couples believe that if they have successfully conceived once, then they are unlikely to experience fertility problems in the future. Yet, secondary infertility is actually more common than primary infertility. Read more about this form of infertility and what you can do about it.

Unexplained Fertility investigates some of the possible reasons for infertility and explains why experts may not always be able to give you the answers you need. If you're worried that stress may be affecting your ability to get pregnant, then take a look at Stress and Infertility and learn how to reduce your stress levels. Of course, it is also a good idea to look at factors in your environment as a possible reason why you may be having difficulties getting pregnant, since exposure to certain chemicals can lead to hormonal imbalances such as estrogen dominance.  You might also want to consider redecorating your home to help to create a relaxing oasis for the relief of your stress.

If you are interested in learning how to monitor your fertility more closely, our article on Basal Body Temperature is just what you need. Learn how to chart your basal body temperature and keep track of your cycles more closely. Monitoring your ovulation can be particularly useful; Predicting Ovulation has a handy side-by-side comparison of popular monitoring methods.

If you are new to the whole infertility issue and not sure where to start, then take a look at Questions About Fertility. Here you will find answers to some of the most common questions about infertility.


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Thanks for the info
9 years ago