Progyluton and PCOS

Low-dose Hormones

Progyluton is a low-dose hormone medication that is often used to regulate the menstrual cycle where there is abnormal uterine bleeding. The medication is a combination of estrogen and progesterone but in doses so low that progyluton cannot be used as a contraceptive. Because there are fewer side effects with this medication, doctors like to prescribe progyluton for young girls and older women with menstrual irregularities.

Unlike the Pill

The Pill can lessen the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) by nipping ovulation in the bud, and giving your ovaries a break from producing follicles. That works for the symptoms, but doesn't help a woman with PCOS to conceive.

But, since progyluton works in a way that is similar to the pill without serving as an actual contraceptive, it may be given to women with PCOS who are trying to conceive. In other words, the drug will lessen the symptoms of PCOS by regulating the menstrual cycle and though it won't help you ovulate, it won't cause a complete nullification of your fertility since, unlike the Pill, progyluton does not inhibit ovulation. 

Some doctors will prescribe other drugs for specific times during your cycle, such as Clomid or Pregnyl once menstrual cycles are under control with progyluton, if you wish to conceive.

While your testosterone levels will go down while being treated with progyluton and this can treat your irregular cycles, the drug won't address other issues related to PCOS, such as insulin resistance. PCOS is a systemic disease and as such, is much more than a gynecological disease.

Some doctors may wish to prescribe a diabetes medication for women with PCOS, such as Glucophage, and this can help with controlling blood sugar levels. However, women with PCOS need to consider their lifestyles and how they can eat a more appropriate diet for their condition. Women with PCOS who want to go off their meds so they can get pregnant often find they become polycystic again, if they haven't made lifestyle changes such as a low-sugar diet.

Avoid the use of progyluton if you:

Are pregnant or breastfeeding

Have undiagnosed vaginal bleeding

Have a suspected or confirmed breast cancer

Have a known or suspected precancerous or cancerous condition that is related to sex steroids.

Have liver tumors or a history of liver tumors, either benign or malignant

Have severe liver disease

Have a history of clots, stroke, or heart attack.

Have high levels of triglycerides

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