Success Story: Depressed
Hi all. It's so touching to read about other people's stories. Anyway, my hubby and I got married in December 2004. He was so adamant about having a baby immediately, but I did not feel the same way. I took 2 month injections for 6 months ending in September 2005. After that, we tried for a Baby until last year when I decided to see a Gynaecologist. He gave me Clomid to induce my ovulation but I never expected to get pregnant. Two weeks later, I was feeling tired and had painful breasts, but pregnancy still did not cross my mind. The pains continued until I called my doctor again, and they said I must be pregnant and to my suprise I was. During that time, I had dreamt of breastfeeding a newborn baby, and the following day I discovered that I was pregnant. We were so excited to be expecting, but a week before I reached 3 months, I miscarried. All hell broke loose. I miscarried last year in October. The following month, I had a normal period and that was the last period for me. I'm so stressed and so eager to have another baby. My D&C results never showed anything. I'm so scared of taking the Clomid again as I sometimes think that it's the reason I miscarried. I have been praying so much to God, to bless us again. At the same time, I fear the reccurence of a miscarriage. I do not know why my periods are irregular. To some extent, I'm so jealous when I see my Collleagues getting pregnant without even a worry. I have set an appointment for the 11th of May 2007, which is in two weeks time, and we'll see what happens. To everyone, keep the Faith
Zimasa Molapisane, South Africa