Success Story: 2nd Time Around....

Today must have been the most nerve racking day of my life. For 14 years my DH and I were trying to have a baby. We have been married for 15 years. He has a child from a previous relationship and we have been raising her since 18 months old....she is now 16 years old.

Well to make a long story short, we went through all the traditional steps to get PG and each time resulted in a BFN....needless to say I was devastated! So decided to get some medical intervention. In 2003 we pursued, dx with PCOS and was put on clomid and metformin with no results. I stayed with that RE for little over a year, then moved to a wonderful RE at East Coast Fertility in NY. Lovely group of professionals and they all know you by your first name.

Ok so, after all paperwork transfer and all of their test, I started my meds that resulted in 31 eggs, 23 retrieved, 18 fertilized, 14 made it to blastocyst...all cryopreserved. I on the other hand ended up hospitalized for a severe case of OHSS. Discharged a week later and had to wait an entire two months to resume with my transfer. I thought I was going to die. In July 2007 had my transfer with negative results. I was devastated and depressed. I wanted to blame everything and everybody, but deep down inside I knew IVF is a roll of the dice. I prayed like it was nobody's business, but decided to hold off for several months.

So in December 2007 we decided to go for it again. Now I'm not going to lie ladies, I was hopeful, but at the same time I was thinking it never happen for me..nothing ever does! So I proceeded to take my meds and go in for the blood work. I had my doubts, but I believe in God and I hoped He would bless me just this one time with one of his little angels.

By the way I have been doing a lot of research on infertility and feel like some self proclaimed "guru" on the! There is a new drug only been out for 3-4 yrs or so called endometrin and I swear it is what did the trick.

I got the BFP today with great numbers according to my RE. Nothing is more joyous then getting that phone call and hearing those words..."congratulations you're pregnant". I never thought I would live to hear those words, but I have faith in God. I thanked Him with everything that is in me.

So do not give up ladies, you're time will come and when it does, elation followed by tears, then thanks will be your first and believe in Him.

N. E., United States