2ww Insanity, opinions please!
2 Replies
I claim insanity my official test date is the 21st. This sucks! I'm only 4 dpo and I thought I was coming down with the flu because it's goin around. I had nausea, horrible runny nose and headache.
This morning I woke up to a dull tugging sensation around my belly button and bloating with a dull headache. No more flu like symptoms they just vanished.
Has anyone had these symptoms? Also, are these pregnancy related? :-\
WEll my first questions would be how many drugs are you on. Fertility drugs have alot of side effects that may give you flu and pregnancy symptoms. More then likely 4dpo you would not have pregnancy symptoms, however anything is possible. Also when you want to be pg really bad your min can make ou think u are/.
I'm not on any fertility drugs. Also I happen to be one of the most negative people around lol. I'm trying to lie to myself and say that these symptoms don't exist when they do.
Trying to fool myself into believing that none of this is real isn't working. I no longer have flu symptoms that i was sure of coming down with at 3 dpo. The dull headache and belly button pain still exist.
Hope it's nothing more serious than being pregnant.