We are 4 days post embryo transfer. We've had 2 failed IUI's and have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years. We went right to IVF after the second failed IUI. Going bonkers wanting to know if implantation happened within the past 2 days.
I'm having terrible IBS symptoms and constipation but I'm attributing that to the progesterone and the pre-natal vitamins. And today we found out that non of our embryo's made it for freezing. We had 6 fertilized eggs and only 1 made it to blastocyst which they transferred. They said it was an 'excellent' blastocyst, but then when we found out today that none of the others made it we're just feeling hopeless. I'm 31 so they feel I'm a good IVF candidate. My husband is 46 so we don't want to wait around anymore, not to mention we've spent way too much money already.
This whole process is so emotionally draining. We can't afford to do another IVF if this one failed, which is just so sad. Anyway, if anyone else is in my shoes right now it might help to chat.
Cross your fingers for us!
I was wondering how this went for you?? I am also 31, 1 day post transfer. I am in the same boat of not being able to do another IVF round. If this doesn't work my best hope is a FET, because we were lucky enough to have 2 frozen.