For those who are wondering on how I'm doing, here is the latest. It's getting closer but it's going really slow as usual. I went in for blood work and u/s today, later they called me and told me start taking these estrogen pills that I put under my tongue 3 times a day and I'm also wearing an estrogen patch. I go back in next Tuesday for more blood work and ultrasound to see if my uterus is getting harder for transfer. They are still telling me in the first week of May that I will have the transfer done. Keep your fingers crossed.
With these pills and patch that I'm wearing, does anyone know how my body is going to react? Will I be really moody?
Good luck Cindy! It seems like you have been waiting forever! I am glad the time is finally getting here. I am sending you lots and lots of baby dust and I will say prayers for you that this works and you get a ++++ at the end of your 2ww. Keep us posted.
Every time I am on hormones I feel different than the last so you may or may not get intense symptoms. Keep in touch with us.