
A hydrocelectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove hydroceles found in your scrotum. It is not a common procedure, though it can be performed if your hydrocele is causing you pain or interfering with ejaculation.

Hydroceles are actually a collection of fluid around the testicles inside your scrotum. Hydroceles are very common in newborns, and are often associated with hernias. In older men, hydroceles can be caused by infection or trauma to the testes or epididymis, or by a blockage in lymph nodes in the testicle. Hydroceles usually go away by themselves, but if they are interefering with fertility, they should be removed.

The Procedure

The hydrocelectomy is a fairly simple procedure. Under general, local, or regional anesthesia your surgeon will make a small incision in your scrotum. The hydrocele is then drained of all of its fluid. Your testicle and hydrocele are then brought out of your scrotum, allowing your surgeon to remove the hydrocele sac. Sometimes the hydrocele sac is left behind, and folded behind the testicle. The testicle is then replaced and the scrotum is stitched back together.

Success Rates

The hydrocelectomy procedure is typically very successful. Almost 100% of hydroceles do not grow back, allowing sperm to flow easily into the ejaculatory duct.

Vasectomy Reversal

There are two different types of vasectomy reversal surgeries: vasovasostomy and epididymostomy. Which form of vasectomy reversal is done will depend upon how your vasectomy reversal was done and the health of your reproductive system. A vasovasostomy is the more common procedure, accounting for two-thirds of all vasectomy reversal.

The Procedure

In a vasovasostomy procedure, the surgeon will reconnect the ends of your vas deferens in order to allow for sperm to flow through. The epididymostomy procedure is bit more complex and can take up to five hours to complete but is necessary for men who have a blockage. In this procedure, your surgeon will connect your vas deferens directly to the epididymis, thereby by-passing the blockage and restoring sperm flow.

Success Rates

Vasovasostomy success rates are quite high. Almost 99% of men who undergo the procedure will produce sperm in their ejaculate. 64% will father a child. However, success rates for an epididymostomy tend to vary more, with 52% to 92% of men being able to produce sperm in their ejaculate after this procedure. On average, 41% of men who have had an epididymostomy will be able to father a child.

Table of Contents
1. Male Fertility Surgery
2. Vasectomy Reversal
3. Duct blockage surgeries
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