Vaginal Delivery or Caesarian Section?

You do not automatically have to have a c-section if you are pregnant with multiples, but the odds that you will need one are increased. Many twin pregnancies are delivered vaginally without complications. The more babies there are, the better the chances that one will be turned the wrong way, or that you’ll experience any of the complications that can also affect single births.

Your choice of doctor can also effect whether or not you have a c-section. If you have a strong preference either way, discuss it with potential doctors to see if your beliefs match up.



Common Complications for the Mothers

When you’re pregnant with twins or multiples, there is a much greater risk of complications arising at some point during your pregnancy. Some of the more common problems that can occur include:


  • Premature labor requiring prolonged bed rest or hospitalization.
  • Preeclampsia, also know as pregnancy-induced hypertension or toxemia, is three to five times more likely to occur in multiple pregnancies. Preeclampsia can cause elevated blood pressure and swelling in the mother, and can prevent enough blood from getting to the placenta. Most mothers with preeclampsia give birth to healthy babies. Treatments include induced labor (in cases where the fetus is mature enough), bed rest and blood pressure lowering medication.
  • Gestational diabetes, a rising in the blood glucose levels of the mother, is more likely to occur, along with anemia (blood iron deficiency) and polyhydamnios (excess amniotic fluid). All are treatable, but will need to be monitored by your doctor.
  • Placental abnormalities associated with maternal hemorrhage


Table of Contents
1. Twins and Multiples
2. Twins and what can go wrong
3. Twins: is baby at risk?
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