Hcg levels after miscarriage
72 Replies
Hi there! Could someone help me with answering some questions? I had a miscarriage 5 weeks ago (at 7 weeks gestation)took a pregnancy test one week after the miscarriage and it was negative. I then took another one two weeks after that which was negative. I then took another five more tests four weeks after my miscarriage and they were positive. Went to the doctor and found out my hcg is 145. He thinks this may either be another pregnancy OR some leftover tissue from the miscarriage. What do you think?
Also, if I have hcg in my system can I expect to still expect to get my period?
Thank you!
It sounds to me like you're pregnant again. I am no expert though, so I think you probably need to leave it in your doctors hands. Are they going to do an ultrasound to check for leftover tissue or a new pregnancy?
Thanks for replying. When I had my miscarriage they did a scan and it was clear. I am going to the doctors on Monday to see if the levels are going up or down. I can't wait. I just want to know what is going on.
Thanks again.
Thanks for replying. When I had my miscarriage they did a scan and it was clear. I am going to the doctors on Monday to see if the levels are going up or down. I can't wait. I just want to know what is going on.
Thanks again.
hi everyone im jackie and i thought i was pragnant for a long time for the past four months cuz i was having all the signs feeling sick vomting almost blacking out of being soo tired i was taking pee test but they all came back negtive i finally went to the hospatial and they told me i had a m/c on august 8th but when i went it was to late cuz i want to weeks after my m/c and she told me hcg level was 15 so i was wandering if its possbal they got it wrong cuz they did a ultra sound and they didnt find any thing but she said i lost it early but could it be possbal that i never lost it that it could have been to early to see anything cuz its be about three to for weeks since my m/c and my stamche is geting bigger and my nipples are very sore i cant even put my bra on with out it hurting and im still eating alot if anyone can help i would be very happy cuz im fracking out do u think im pmsing or if im really pragnant cuz the bloating wont go done someone plz help! thnx
hi everyone im jackie and i thought i was pragnant for a long time for the past four months cuz i was having all the signs feeling sick vomting almost blacking out of being soo tired i was taking pee test but they all came back negtive i finally went to the hospatial and they told me i had a m/c on august 8th but when i went it was to late cuz i want to weeks after my m/c and she told me hcg level was 15 so i was wandering if its possbal they got it wrong cuz they did a ultra sound and they didnt find any thing but she said i lost it early but could it be possbal that i never lost it that it could have been to early to see anything cuz its be about three to for weeks since my m/c and my stamche is geting bigger and my nipples are very sore i cant even put my bra on with out it hurting and im still eating alot if anyone can help i would be very happy cuz im fracking out do u think im pmsing or if im really pragnant cuz the bloating wont go done someone plz help! thnx
Hi all
i just found out today that i am officially miscarrying. been bleeding all week light red/pink blood.. thought it was a period but also had my concerns that it was something else.. anyways.. i went to hospital today after being referred by my gp.. had blood takin and levels of hcg were 1520... also had an ultrasound and no signs of embryotic sack or tissue were evident.. (obvisously coz i have passed it)... but doc wants me to go back in 2 days time to see what my hcg levels are , if they have dropped, its an obviously incomplete misscarriage if they have dropped... but they have concerns that if they are higher.. there is a possibility of Ectopic pregnancy... even though scans today didnt show signs of Ectopic..... im sooo confused.. now i have to wait 2 more days to have more blood taken and find out what is happening to me.....
| C - January 27 |
Hello Gabby, hope you were given the medical help and support you needed and are now OK. I understand HCG levels can go up after a miscarriage for many reasons but that the reasons for the increase should be investigated and levels can also rise with an ectopic.
I had my first officially registered miscarriage in October at 8 weeks and what seemed to be a second 1-2 weeks ago at 6 weeks but my HCG levels are still rising and I am hoping that they can help me out and/or that my levels go to normal levels soon as well. My miscarriages are probably due to very low progesterone levels - so low that I was told twice that I had not ovulated after levels of 15 and 19 were found.This was wrong as I became pregnant each time during the same month only to miscarry. I think I have a short luteal phase due to late ovulation and hence low progesterone production. As they can help me with chlomid to regulate my ovulation I am hopeful that I will be able to have another pregnancy and complete.
The fertility tests and advice help me feel in control - they usually only offer this is you have been trying for a long period (depends on age) and now while still feeling pretty rotten, scared re ectopics or tissue retention I do feel I can now help myself emotionally and physically to be in a better place in the future before and during a much hoped for pregnancy. One thing at once I think at the moment though and really do hope you are ok now. Good luck with everything x
I've never posted on one of these before but I thought today would be as good a time as ever to start. I had a forced miscarriage at 10 weeks, 10 weeks ago. It's been the longest, hardest struggle of my life. We've been trying for 2 years to conceive. I finally got pregnant, we were ecstatic to say the least. As were our families. I've wanted to be a mom for so long. I never thought becoming one would be so trying. We went for our first ultra sound at 8 weeks only to find out there was an "empty sac" as they call it. We were absolutely devastated. I never thought this would happen after waiting for 2 years. Especially since it's so easy for everyone around me to get pregnant. It's been 10 weeks since i took the pills to force a miscarriage, and my HGC levels are still over 100. There is leftover tissue and now I have to go through yet another procedure to have them removed. This means another 10 weeks recovery. I'm trying to be positive/strong but it's so hard. I know once we have a little baby this will all seem so distant but right now seeing a baby in our future is so hard.
Hello to everyone on here. I too am going thru the toughest time with many unanswered questions. I had a positive pregnancy test on Feb 16th and two days later I started bleeding. Went to hospital where they said I had a chemical pregnancy and was going thru miscarriage. I was estimated to be 5 weeks at the time based off last menstrual cycle. Was cleared by Dr. on March 8th when HCG levels where finally at 0 and I started BC that day. First time on any form of BC. 2 days later I had unprotected sex. March 28th I started what appeared to be my menstraul but it has been very irregular. Only two days. Im having back pains, headaches, and very scared I could be pregnant again. Is that possible? I will take HPT this evening but I believe it will be negative because it is too soon. HELP :(