Treatment of Uterine Polyps

Uterine polyps are generally removed because they can cause bleeding and infertility. Surgery is the recommended treatment.

Cervical Cysts

Cervical cysts are very common and are usually considered a normal condition. Typically, these cysts cause no symptoms and do not pose any health risks. However, large cysts can interfere with conception.

What are Cervical Cysts?

Cervical cysts are tiny lumps that form on the surface of your cervix. Your cervix is located at the bottom of your uterus and is about two centimeters long. It acts as an opening that allows sperm to pass through and fertilize your eggs. Sometimes, tiny little pimples filled with mucous can develop on your cervix. These cervical cysts can form on their own or in clusters, and typically grow to be between two and ten millimeters long. They are sometimes referred to as nabothian cysts.

Causes of Cervical Cysts

Researchers aren’t sure why cervical cysts are so common amongst women. Most of the time, cysts seem to form for no apparent reason. However, cervical cysts are also related to a few specific causes.

Cervical cysts have been linked to both pregnancy and menopause. After labor and delivery, tissue in the cervix begins to replenish itself. As this tissue grows, it sometimes covers up the mucous glands of the cervix, trapping mucous inside. This results in the development of a cyst. Menopausal women are also at risk for cervical cysts. As you age, the skin in your vagina and cervix become thinner and thinner. This makes it easier for your body to develop cysts.

Women who have cervicitis, an infection of the cervix, are also more prone to developing cervical cysts.

Who Gets Cervical Cysts?

Any woman is at risk for developing cervical cysts. This is why it is important to have a physical and gynecological exam every year. Cervical cysts are more common during your reproductive years, although older women can also get them.

Symptoms of Cervical Cysts

For most people, cervical cysts do not cause any symptoms. However, if your cervical cyst grows to a large size, it can cause some discomfort. Symptoms include:


  • irregular bleeding
  • vaginal discharge
  • pelvic pain
  • Infertility and Cervical Cysts

    Most cervical cysts are harmless and won’t result in infertility. However, extremely large cysts can cause swelling and inflammation in your cervix. This can make it difficult for sperm to swim to the fallopian tubes. If your cervical cysts are caused by cervicitis, you may also find it difficult to become pregnant.

    Treatment for Cervical Cysts

    The vast majority of cervical cyst sufferers will recover without treatment in their own time. However, for those with large or symptomatic cysts, it may be a good idea to remove them. Surgery to help remove the cervical cysts can be done at your doctor’s office.


    Table of Contents
    1. Spotting? Cramping?
    2. Are Cysts Dangerous?
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