Coping With Klinefelter Syndrome

Receiving a diagnosis of Klinefelter syndrome is not easy for any man. The testosterone deficiency caused by this genetic disorder can have not only long-term effects on a man's health, it usually also makes him infertile. There are very effective treatments (such as testosterone therapy) for most of the symptoms of Klinefelter syndrome, with the exception of infertility.

Therefore, while it may be possible to reverse some of the more embarrassing signs of Klinefelter's (such as feminine physical characteristics), and to prevent a man from developing osteoporosis in the future, but it is usually not possible to help a Klinefelter man become a biological parent.

Psychological Problems

A man who has Klinefelter syndrome may experience a number of psychological and emotional problems. For example, he may feel that his masculinity has been called into question - after all, the basic ability to father a child is something that most men take for granted, and is certainly something that most women look for in a life partner.

This can have a knock-on effect on his self-esteem, his relationships with women, with male friends, with colleagues, etc. Even though most men with Klinefelter syndrome have normal sexual function, a man may also begin to have doubts about his sexual performance and ability to satisfy his partner.

Partners Of Klinefelter Men

It's difficult to be a woman in a relationship with a man who is infertile due to Klinefelter syndrome, especially if one or both of you really wants children. You partner may need a lot of support to cope with his diagnosis, and it may be a while before he is ready even to consider the idea of using a sperm donor to get you pregnant. In fact, he may never be able to accept this option, and you may have to think about adopting children as an alternative.


Table of Contents
1. Coping With Klinefelter
2. Support for Klinefelter
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