What the CVS Test Results Mean

With the test results from CVS, your physician will able to tell if your baby has any birth defects. If your baby has congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a condition that causes abnormal genitals, the doctor will be able to provide prenatal hormone treatment. Therefore your baby will not need surgery at birth. CVS prenatal testing provides you and your partner the information you need to make informed decisions for your child.

The test can reveal over 200 disorders including Down syndrome, hemoglobinopathies or Tay-Sachs disease. If it is discovered that your baby has birth defects, you and your partner can go to a genetic counselor for more information.

Risks of CVS

Studies have shown that CVS has a slightly higher chance of causing miscarriage than amniocentesis. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated that one in 200 women will miscarry with this procedure. The risk for women with a retroverted uterus is higher at five in 100 miscarriages. Also there is a one in 1,700 risk for limb defects in babies.

There have been conflicting reports about whether CVS performed either before or after the 10th week of pregnancy will cause limb defects. It is best if the procedure is performed by an experienced doctor and in a facility that provides both transabdominal and transcervical CVS.

Pros of CVS

Some of the advantageous of having CVS performed include:

  • CVS can be performed in the doctor’s office
  • It is a simple procedure
  • Provides information about birth defects to expectant parents
  • With genetic counseling, CVS can help you make decisions about your baby.

Cons of CVS

Some of the disadvantages of CVS may be:

  • Higher risk of miscarriage than amniocentesis
  • Amniotic membrane may rupture
  • Risk of uterine infection
  • Risk of limb defects
  • May cause bleeding

CVS and Rh Negativity

Additionally, this test could cause your blood to mix with your baby’s blood, which could be problematic if you are Rh negative. In this case, you will be given the drug Rh immunoglobin to prevent your body from producing antibodies against your baby’s blood.

CVS is offered to every pregnant woman but you can decline having the test done if you prefer. Discuss with your health care provider and your partner all the pros and cons of the test and how you would be affected by the results before deciding whether to have the test done.


Table of Contents
1. Chorionic Villous Sampling
2. CVS: what are the risks?
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