Benefits of Vitex Tincture

High levels of prolactin suggest a luteal phase defect and this can be treated with Vitex. Stress, for instance, may cause too much progesterone to be released by the pituitary gland, and Vitex can be used to inhibit progesterone production.

Most women using Vitex find that its effects kick in after 3 or 4 cycles, though for some women, it may take as long as 6 cycles.

One benefit of treatment with Vitex is that it's not a hormone and won't cause the withdrawal bleeding that is seen with progesterone treatment.

Very safe

The herb is considered very safe and can be taken every day for up to 18 months, unless you become pregnant. Most women take it once a day, in the morning. It's best to seek advice from a doctor familiar with herbal treatment, such as a naturopath, but the standard guideline for dosage is 60 drops of Vitex tincture, with 6% Agusides, or 175 mg. or more of the extract.


Table of Contents
1. Chaste Berry
2. Use a safe, natural herb
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