Oh, Joy! Hair Growth with DUB

Changing hormones can cause other physiological changes as well. You may experience mood swings, hot flashes, vaginal dryness or tenderness and a condition called hirsutism. Hirsutism is the excessive growth of body hair in male growth patterns. This is caused by an excess of male sex hormones (androgens).

The loss of too much blood can cause fainting, weakness, and anemia. If there has been dysfunctional or abnormal vaginal bleeding for more than three months, the doctor should be advised.

How DUB is Diagnosed

In order to diagnose dysfunctional uterine bleeding, all other possible causes must be ruled out. The doctor will ask questions and order tests in order to properly diagnose the condition. S/he will ask how long, how much and how often have you been bleeding. You may also be subjected to testing that includes:

· pelvic exam

· urine test

· blood tests

· ultrasound

· possibly a biopsy of uterine tissue

If, after testing, there are no diseases or illnesses that could contribute to the condition causing the symptoms, you will probably receive a diagnosis of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Treating Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

There are a variety of treatments for this particular situation. Some of the treatments are designed to restore normal menstruation and will protect against pregnancy at the same time. Others will reduce monthly bleeding or stop it all together.

If you want to conceive a pregnancy but you're not ovulating with DUB, you may be sent to a reproductive specialist who will assess your condition. The following treatments are used for DUB:

· An oral birth control pill or progestin pill

· Use of a levonorestrel IUD to control hormone levels and reduce bleeding

· Endometrial ablation which removes some of the uterine lining

· A short course of high-dose estrogen

· Gonadotropin-releasing hormones to stop estrogen production and menstruation

· Daily supplement for those suffering with anemia as a result of lost blood

· Hysterectomy if all else fails

· NSAIDs to deal with menstrual pain

The important thing is to get an accurate diagnosis in order to know for sure what you are dealing with and how to treat it. A detailed calendar of when and how much you're bleeding and any symptoms experienced will help the doctor with the diagnosis.

DUB is not only inconvenient - it can interfere with conception. Seek medical help for proper treatment.

Uterine polyps and cervical cysts can also cause irregular bleeding. Read more about these conditions in our article on this site.

Table of Contents
1. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
2. Bleeding profusely?
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