Infertility and Hirsutism

If you have hirsutism, or hirsutism caused by PCOS, there is a chance that it will affect your fertility. Excess androgens and ovarian cysts can prevent ovulation from occurring, limiting your chances of becoming pregnant.

If your periods are irregular as a result of hirsutism, it is probable that your ovaries are not releasing an egg every month. This is referred to as anovulation. As a result, it may be impossible to become pregnant without medication to encourage ovulation.

Who's At Risk?

Anyone can develop hirsutism, especially if it is caused by PCOS. However, certain groups are at increased risk of developing the condition. Risk factors include:

  • having a family history of hirsutism
  • use of anabolic steroids
  • being of Mediterranean descent
  • being of Middle Eastern descent
  • being of African American descent

Treatments for Hirsutism

A variety of treatments are available to help your with your hirsutism and increase your chances of conceiving.

Anti-Androgens: Anti-androgens are medications that help to control the production of androgens in your body. This will help to slow the growth of unwanted hair and possibly restore regular periods.

Hormonal Birth Control: Hormonal birth control such as the birth control pill can help to regulate androgen production and balance out your hormones. This will help to slow hair growth and restore menstruation.



Table of Contents
1. Hirsutism
2. Peach fuzz and conceiving
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