If Talking Becomes Difficult

If talking with your partner about your male fertility issues becomes difficult, there are a number of resources that you can turn to for help. After all, infertility is a hard issue for even the most communicative partners to talk about.

Support Groups

There are a variety of support groups that exist to help couples deal with the emotions of infertility. You may find it easier to talk with other couples who are going through the same treatments or who are feeling similar emotions to you. You may also find it easier to talk with another man who is experiencing infertility.

There are support groups designed just for couples who are having difficulties discussing infertility with one another. These groups are often free of charge, and run by professional counselors or therapists.

One-on-One Counseling

If you are finding it difficult talking with your partner, you may want to experiment with some one-on-one counseling. Psychotherapists and sex therapists can help you and your partner to communicate openly and honestly with one another.

Together, you can find ways to deal with various emotions, problem-solve, and make important decisions about your fertility treatment. There are also many counselors who specialize in infertility and therefore can address any specific questions that you may have.


Table of Contents
1. Partner Communication
2. Getting him to talk
3. And if he won't talk?
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